Resources | The benefits of automation

The benefits of automation

March 18, 2021

Accounting automation is a hot topic lately. Depending on your confidence with modern software and in your accountant, you may or may not feel ready to embark on this new and sometimes daunting experience.

You might find it a little confronting that an accounting firm is singing praises of a concept that potentially signals the beginning of the end of their careers. However, we understand that automation is another tool that we can use to get more out of our efforts. Think of it as an evolution of the accounting service rather than the extinction. 

Without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the benefits that this accounting automation can offer you and your business.

A faster service

We can take the mundane task of data entry and building complex ledger files and automate it so that not only is the element of human error eliminated from the equation, but the accounting process becomes smoother overall. There will be less billable hours paid for such elements of our role, which you can either decide to use for other services that we can offer, with the view to grow and get more out of your business, or you can put this back into your company to spend elsewhere. 

Our time can be better spent on creating innovative financial initiatives that will benefit your business.

Real-time integrations

The more automated we can make your finances, then the more often we can integrate daily changes or allow weekly or monthly payroll tools to connect with your accounting platform so that you can see in real-time the impacts, both positive and negative.

This allows both you and your accountant the opportunity to provide real-time immediate information to ATO or for your own personal records so that we can forecast your financial health in the short and long term. 

Easy access

With automation comes the ability to connect digitally via the cloud or the platform of your choosing. Gone are the days where disks, USBs or even paper trails are needed. For those with the authority to do so, one can quickly access necessary documentation and data without wasting time searching for the right medium of storage. 

There is no stopping our progression towards a technologically advancing future. By embracing accounting automation, you can enjoy these and many more benefits for yourself and your business. 

If you’re interested in getting more out of your accounting services and wish to work with a team that is forward-thinking, then get in touch with Dillon Partners, where we can explore these and many other options with you.